Tips for Successful Publications

Tips for Successful Publications



Scientists from all disciplines have to write scientific papers to communicate their research and build or maintain their scientific reputation. Over the past years, we have published some very well received articles around successful publishing.

Find ChemistryViews‘ best content on this topic from the last five years below.



Tips for Writing Better Science Papers
  • Writing a high-impact research paper which will impress journal editors, referees, and readers, no matter what type of research you’re doing, is a lot easier than you think

Richard Threlfall, Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, gives a step-by-step guide to composing a manuscript. You can also listen to his free webinar on How to Write High-impact Research Papers.



Writing Science Well
  • Use clear and unambiguous language to get your point across

Andrew Moore, BioEssays, authored the ebook Writing Science Well: Techniques, Tips and Pitfalls and gives tips on successful science communication and how to attract reader attention.

Mind your Language! A Very Brief Guide to Language Usage in Scientific Writing
  • Keep your writing simple to help readers understand your research

Richard Threlfall gives a brief guide on how to improve the language of your article.


Choosing a Journal

  • Consider the scope of the journal: does your audience coincide with the journal’s?

To figure this out, you can look at the author guidelines, browse past issues or ask your colleagues. Short information on journals published by ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, Wiley, Wiley-VCH can be found in our Journal Section.

Information on Open Access
  • To comply with open-access mandates does not mean you can not publish in the journal of your choice

Tips on how open access allows you to comply with funding mandates and institutional policies and on funding options.

Science Never Fails!


Peer Review

12 Tips for Referees
  • Take the time to really think about the referees’ comments and reply to all of them

Richard Threlfall gives tips on how to handle comments from referees and Brian Johnson, The Chemical Record, addresses issues faced by reviewers.


Promoting Your Article & Tracking Its Impact
  • Add the article to your webpage and use the communication channels of your institution such as press releases and videos
  • Share your article on social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
  • Contact us if you think your article is newsworthy and interesting for a wide audience
Measuring the Impact of an Article

You might also be interested in sites such as Google Scholar,, ResearchGate, ORCID, ResearcherID, Kudos.

Classic Paper but No New Data
  • Sometimes it doesn’t even take original research to write a highly useful paper

For a fun read on article impact see this piece on a highly cited and widely used paper.



Earlier posts include


Future posts will include

  • Tips for Your Career
  • Tips to Make Your Lab Work More Efficient
  • Tips for Teaching Chemistry


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